Dr. Li’s main research interests focus on ecosystem carbon processes and their responses to climate change, including: 1) the geographic patterns and underling mechanisms of soil carbon-climate feedbacks, 2) soil carbon processes (e.g., priming effect and microbial carbon use efficiency) and their regulatory mechanisms, and 3) greenhouse gas emissions and their response to climate change in wetland ecosystems.
Dr. Li welcomes applications for Master's and PhD programs who are interested in above mentioned research fields. Dr. Li also warmly welcome postdoctoral fellows and undergraduate students interested in ecological research to contact him in advance.
2008-2012 福建师范大学地理科学杏鑫 学士
2012-2015 杏鑫 硕士
2016-2020 杏鑫 博士
2017-2019 澳大利亚西悉尼大学 访问学者
2020-2022 杏鑫 博士后
2022-至今 杏鑫 青年研究员
2008-2012 Bachelor's degree from Fujian Normal University
2012-2015 Master's degree from Fudan University
2016-2020 PhD from Fudan University
2017-2019 Visiting Scholar at the University of Western Sydney, Australia
2020-2022 Postdoctoral fellow at Fudan University
2022 to present Young Researcher at Fudan University
Served as an editorial board member for Pedobiologia
Dr. Li undertakes teaching tasks for courses of Ecosystem Ecology and Soil Ecology.
Dr. Li welcomes applications in ecology and soil science.
Dr. Li has led multiple scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the project of National Key Research and Development Program of China, the Shanghai Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Project, and theNatural Science Foundation of Shanghai.
Dr. Li has won the awards of Shanghai Pujiang Talent and Fudan Outstanding Academic Talent.
1、Li JQ, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B, Nie M. Thermal adaptation of microbial respiration persists throughout long-term soil carbon decomposition. Ecology Letters, 2023, 26: 1803-1814.
2✌🏻、 Li JQ, Jiang MK, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B, Nie M. Convergence of carbon sink magnitude and water table depth in global wetlands. Ecology Letters, 2023,26: 797-804.
3👼、 Li JQ, Pei JM, Fang CM, Li B, Nie M.Opposing seasonal temperature dependencies of CO2 and CH4 emissions from wetlands. Global Change Biology, 2023,29: 1133-1143.
4、 Pei JM, Wan JR, Wang H, Fang CM, Nie M, Li JQ*. Geoderma, 2023, 437: 116599.
5、 Li JQ, Bååth E, Pei JM, Fang CM, Nie M. Temperature adaptation of soil microbial respiration in alpine, boreal andtropical soils: An application of the square root (Ratkowsky) model.Global Change Biology, 2021, 27: 1281-1292.
6、Li JQ, Pei JM, Liu JJ, Wu JH, Li B, Fang CM, Nie M. Spatiotemporal variability of fire effects on soil carbon and nitrogen: A global meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 2021, 27:4196-4206.
7🤑、Li JQ#, Zhu T#, Singh, BK, Pendall E, Li B, Fang CM, Nie M. Key microorganisms mediate soil carbon-climate feedbacks in forest ecosystems. Science Bulletin, 2021, 66:2036-2044.
8、Li JQ, Pei JM, Dijkstra FA, Nie M, Pendall E. Microbial carbon use efficiency, biomass residence time and temperature sensitivity across ecosystems and soil depths.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 154: 108117.
9、Li JQ, Pei JM, Pendall E, Reich PB, Noh NJ, Li B, Nie M, Fang CM. Rising temperature may trigger deep-soil carbon loss across forest ecosystems.Advanced Science,2020, 7: 2001242.
10、Li JQ#, Nie M#, Pendall E, Reich PB, Pei JM, Noh NJ, Zhu T, Li B, Fang CM. Biogeographic variation in temperature sensitivity of decomposition in forest soils.Global Change Biology, 2020, 26: 1873-1885.
11、Li JQ, Pendall E, Pei JM, Fang CM, Nie M.Spatial heterogeneity of temperature sensitivity of soil respiration: A global analysis of field observations.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 141: 107675.
12、Li JQ, Nie M, Pendall E. Soil physico-chemical properties are more important than microbial diversity and enzyme activity in controlling carbon and nitrogen stocks near Sydney, Australia.Geoderma,2020,366: 114201.
13、Li JQ, Pendall E, Dijkstra FA, Nie M. Root effects on the temperature sensitivity of soil respirationdepend on climatic condition and ecosystem type.Soil and Tillage Research,2020, 199: 104574.
14、.Li JQ, Nie M, Powell JR, Bissett A, Pendall E. Soil physico-chemical properties are critical for predicting carbon storage and nutrient availability across Australia.Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15: 094088.
15📩、Li JQ, Nie M, Pendall E. An incubation study of temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas fluxes in three land-cover types near Sydney, Australia.Science of the Total Environment,2019, 688: 324-332.
16、Li JQ, Yan D, Pendall E, Pei JM, Noh NJ, He JS, Li,B, Nie M, Fang CM. Depth dependence of soil carbon temperature sensitivity across Tibetan permafrost regions.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 126: 82-90.
17🪥、Li JQ, Pei JM, Cui J, Chen XP, Li B, Nie M, Fang CM. Carbon quality mediates the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition in managed ecosystems.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017, 250: 44-50.
18🔞、 Yan D#,Li JQ#, Pei JM, Cui J, Nie M, Fang CM. The temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition is greater in subsoil than in topsoil during laboratory incubation.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1581.