地址👰♀️:杏鑫 C517室
主要研究方向 (Research Interests)
获奖情况 (Awards)
1. Cx31.1 acts as a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines through inhibition of cell proliferation and metastasis. Zhang D, Chen C, Li Y, Fu X, Xie Y, Li Y, Huang Y* J Cell Mol Med. 2012 May;16(5):1047-59.
2. MicroRNA-212 displays tumor-promoting properties in non-small cell lung cancer cells and targets the hedgehog pathway receptor PTCH1. Li Y, Zhang D, Chen C, Ruan Z, Li Y, Huang Y*. Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Apr;23(8):1423-34.
3. Varied Pathways of Stage IA Lung Adenocarcinomas Discovered by Integrated Gene Expression Analysis. Chen C, Fu X, Zhang D, Li Y, Xie Y, Li Y*, Huang Y*. Int J Biol Sci. 2011 Apr 28;7(5):551-66.
4. Huang, Y*, Grinspan JB, Abrams CK, Scherer SS. Pannexin1 is expressed by neurons and glia but does not form functional gap junctions. Glia. 2007,55(1):46-56.
5. Huang, Y*, Sirkowski EE , Stickney JT , Scherer SS. Prenylation-defective human Connexin32 mutants are normally localized and function equivalently to wild-type Connexin32 in myelinating Schwann cells. J Neurosci 2005,25(31): 7111-7120