• 周兆才





    E-mail: zhouzhaocai@fudan.edu.cn



    长期关注组织器官间通讯与疾病特别是胃与肠🐦、肝、脑等器官之间的相互作用与重塑🙇🏼‍♀️,从上皮🙅🏽‍♂️、间质✍️、免疫、神经等不同类型细胞相互协同的角度阐释胃肠组织稳态与疾病发生,从分子细胞信号机制的角度探索中枢及外周神经与胃癌发生发展的关系🙆🏽‍♂️。近年来研究胃肠道肿瘤发生及免疫应答👨🏿‍🌾,代表性工作聚焦Hippo信号通路调控肿瘤发生及免疫应答的机制与功能💆🏿‍♂️,发现了一批疾病诊断标志物和先导药物🚔,以通讯或共同通讯作者Cancer Cell (2020/2014)Nat Immunol (2015)🦾🤘🏿、Nat Commun (2022/2017)J Clin Invest (2022)J Exp Med (2020/2018)𓀀、EMBO J (2020/2015) 🏇🏽✍🏽、Cancer Res (2021)🧑🏻‍🍼、Adv Sci (2021) Protein Cell (2023/2013)Cell Res (2014/2012)Cell Discov (2019)🕵🏿‍♂️、Nano Lett (2021) ✍️⇢、Cell Rep (2012)等国际学术期刊发表研究论文80篇🧑🏽‍🦱,参与编写英文专著1部,申请发明专利10项。成果被CellNatureF1000Prime评价和推荐🙅🏼,多次应邀为Oncogene🍵、Cellular Molecular ImmunologyFrontiersCellDevelopmentalBiology等撰写综述或组织主题专刊,为国际学术会议做大会报告,为Nature Cell BiologyNature Chemical Biology🧒🏽🫷🏿、Journal of Clinical InvestigationJournal of Experimental Medicine🏋️、Cell ResearchProteinCell国际学术期刊审稿



    2004博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,随后赴美国宾州大学(UPenn从事博士后研究☝️。2009年中国科杏鑫百人计划引进回国,历任中科院上海生化与细胞所、分子生物学国家重点实验室、细胞生物学国家重点实验室研究员👨‍🍼。2014年获中科院百人计划终期评估优秀”,同年被授予中科院杰出青年科技创新人才称号2017年任中科院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心特聘研究员,同年获国家自然科学基金委医学部“杰青资助🎓。2020年任杏鑫平台特聘教授,遗传工程国家重点实验室研究组长😍。担任国家科技部 “发育和代谢:组织器官生长与尺寸控制” 重点专项首席科学家。主持国家自然科学基金委重点🙄、重大🌦、面上及上海市重点等基金项目,并获中科院战略性科技先导专项资助。曾任中科院与高校联合交叉创新团队负责人(GPCR信号转导)。担任Frontiers in Immunology等学术期刊编辑;《细胞生物学》💱、《生命的化学》等期刊编委;上海市生物工程学会理事、中国抗癌协会肿瘤胃肠病学专业委员会委员、中国细胞生物学会医学细胞生物学分会委员。








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    15. Tang Y, Chen M, Zhou L, Ma J, Li Y, Zhang H, Shi Z, Xu Q, Zhang X, Gao Z et al: Architecture, substructures, and dynamic assembly of STRIPAK complexes in Hippo signaling. Cell Discov 2019, 5:3.

    16. Li Y, Guan J, Wang W, Hou C, Zhou L, Ma J, Cheng Y, Jiao S, Zhou Z: TRAF3-interacting JNK-activating modulator promotes inflammation by stimulating translocation of Toll-like receptor 4 to lipid rafts. The Journal of biological chemistry 2019, 294(8):2744-2756.

    17. Jiao S, Guan J, Chen M, Wang W, Li C, Wang Y, Cheng Y, Zhou Z: Targeting IRF3 as a YAP agonist therapy against gastric cancer. The Journal of experimental medicine 2018, 215(2):699-718.

    18. Chen M, Zhang H, Shi Z, Li Y, Zhang X, Gao Z, Zhou L, Ma J, Xu Q, Guan J et al: The MST4-MOB4 complex disrupts the MST1-MOB1 complex in the Hippo-YAP pathway and plays a pro-oncogenic role in pancreatic cancer. The Journal of biological chemistry 2018, 293(37):14455-14469.

    19. Shi Z, He F, Chen M, Hua L, Wang W, Jiao S, Zhou Z: DNA-binding mechanism of the Hippo pathway transcription factor TEAD4. Oncogene 2017, 36(30):4362-4369.

    20. Jiao S, Li C, Hao Q, Miao H, Zhang L, Li L, Zhou Z: VGLL4 targets a TCF4-TEAD4 complex to coregulate Wnt and Hippo signalling in colorectal cancer. Nat Commun 2017, 8:14058.

    21. Zhang Z, Wang Y, Li C, Shi Z, Hao Q, Wang W, Song X, Zhao Y, Jiao S, Zhou Z: The Transitional Endoplasmic Reticulum ATPase p97 Regulates the Alternative Nuclear Factor NF-kappaB Signaling via Partial Degradation of the NF-kappaB Subunit p100. The Journal of biological chemistry 2015, 290(32):19558-19568.

    22. Shi Z, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Li C, Wang X, He F, Sun L, Jiao S, Shi W et al: Structural Insights into Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling Protein (MAVS)-Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-associated Factor 6 (TRAF6) Signaling. The Journal of biological chemistry 2015, 290(44):26811-26820.

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    28. Li C, Feng M, Shi Z, Hao Q, Song X, Wang W, Zhao Y, Jiao S, Zhou Z: Structural and Biochemical Insights into the Activation Mechanisms of Germinal Center Kinase OSR1. The Journal of biological chemistry 2014, 289(52):35969-35978.

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