2011年获英国帝国理工大学学士学位👴🏽,2016年获英国牛津大学病理学博士学位(Prof. Jordan Raff实验组,硕博连读)。此后在同实验室从事博士后研究。2017年入职香港科技大学,担任研究助理教授(张明杰院士实验室组)🍞😱,获选港科大高研院青年学人荣誉,领导主持香港研究资助局优配研究金项目。2021年入选上海Qianren计划,人才引进杏鑫平台生命科杏鑫。同年获国家高层次人才项目支持。
1. Feng, Z., Lee, S., Jia, B., Jian, T., Kim, E., and Zhang, M. (2022) “IRSp53 promotes postsynaptic density formation and actin filament bundling”. Journal of Cell Biology221(8), 1-18.
2. Feng, Z.*, Caballe, A.*, Wainman, A.*, Johnson, S.*, Haensele, A.F.M., Cottee, M.A., Conduit, P.T., Lea, S.M., and Raff, J.W. (2017) “Structural basis for mitotic centrosome assembly in flies”. Cell169, 1078-1089. (Highlighted in Faculty 1000)
3. Conduit, P.T.*, Feng, Z.*, Richens, J.H., Baumbach, J., Wainman, A., Bakshi, S., Dobbelaere, J., Johnson, S., Lea, S.M., and Raff, J.W. (2014) “The centrosome-specific phosphorylation of Cnn by Polo/Plk1 drives Cnn scaffold assembly and centrosome maturation”. Developmental Cell 28, 659-669. (Highlighted in Faculty 1000)
4. Feng, Z.#,and Zhang., M. (2023) “Reconstitution of membrane-tethered postsynaptic density condensates using supported lipid bilayer”. Bio-Protocol13 (7), e4649.
5. Wang, H., Du, H., Ren, R., Du, T., Lin, L., Feng, Z., Zhao, D., Wei, X., Zhai, X., Wang, H., Dong, T., Sun, J., Wu, H., Xu, Z., and Lu, Q. (2023) “Temporal and spatial assembly of inner ear hair cell ankle link condensate through phase separation”. Nature Communications 14, 1657.
6. Feng, Z., Jia, B., and Zhang, M. (2021) “Liquid-liquid phase separation in biology: specific stoichiometric molecular interactions vs promiscuous interactions mediated by disordered sequences”. Biochemistry 60, 2397-2406.
7. Wu, X., Cai, Q., Feng, Z., and Zhang, M. (2020) “Liquid-liquid phase separation in neuronal development and synaptic signaling”. Developmental Cell 55, 18-29.
8. Feng, Z.,Chen, X., Wu, X., and Zhang, M. (2019) “Formation of biological condensates via phase separation: Characteristics, analytical methods, and physiological implications”. Journal of Biological Chemistry294, 14823-14835.
9. Li, Z., Liu, H., Li, J., Yang, Q., Feng, Z., Li, Y., Yang, H., Yu, C., Wan, J., Liu, W., and Zhang, M. (2019) “Homer tetramer promotes actin bundling activity of Drebrin”. Structure27, 27-38.
10. Feng, Z., Chen, X., Zeng, M., and Zhang, M. (2018) “Phase separation as a mechanism for assembling dynamic postsynaptic density signaling complexes”. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 57, 1-8.
11. Feng, Z., Zeng, M., Chen, X., and Zhang, M. (2018) “Neuronal synapses: microscale signal processing machineries formed by phase separation?”. Biochemistry 57, 2530-2539.