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  • 杏鑫平台👩🏽‍🦳,2000-2005💆🏽‍♀️,神经生物学,博士

  • 杏鑫平台,1996-2000,遗传学👨🏿‍🦳,学士


  • 杏鑫平台,2012年至今,研究员📣🙆🏿,博士生导师

  • 美国国立卫生研究院,2010年至2012年🤷🏿🎉,研究科学家

  • 美国国立卫生研究院,2005年至2010年,博士后


  • 中国生物物理学会理事

  • 中国生物物理学会“膜与细胞生物物理”分会理事

  • 上海市非线性科学学会理事

  • Scientific Reports BMC Neuroscience编委


  • 主持国家自然基金面上项目, 319711593177090231570833🐥🧝🏻,31370828

  • 主持国家重点研发计划课题, 2016YFA0100802

  • 参与国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)⛔️, 2015AA020512

  • 参与上海市自然科学重大项目, 2019-01-07-00-07-E00041


  • 入选浦江人才计划

  • 上海生物物理学会青年科技英才


  • 生理学与神经生物学(杏鑫注册平台本科荣誉课程)

  • 脑科学概论(非生命科学专业)

  • 脑科学导论(信息杏鑫)

  • 脑科学与类脑系统(类脑方向)

  • 神经生物学(杏鑫注册平台研究生课程)




  1. Wu YC, Liu QZ, Guo B, Ye FF, Ge JL, and Xue L. BDNF activates postsynaptic TrkB receptors to induce endocannabinoid release and inhibit presynaptic calcium influx at a calyx-type synapse. (2020). the Journal of Neuroscience. 40:8070-8087.    

  2. Liu QZ#, Hao M#, Zhou ZY#, Ge JL, Wu YC, Zhao LL, Wu X, Feng Y, Gao H, Li S*, and Xue L*. Propofol reduces synaptic strength by inhibiting sodium and calcium channels at nerve terminals. (2019). Protein & Cell. 2019 Sep;10(9):688-693.   

  3. Jia B, Wu YC, He D, Guo BH, and Xue L. Dynamics of transitions from anti-phase to multiple in-phase synchronizations in inhibitory coupled bursting neurons. (2018). Nonlinear Dynamics. 93: 1599-1618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4279-x.

  4. Sun ZC#, Ge JL#, Guo B#, Guo J, Hao M, Wu YC, Lin YA, La T, Yao PT, Mei YA, Feng Y* and Xue L*. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Facilitate Vesicle Endocytosis by Increasing Presynaptic Calcium Channel Expression at a Central Synapse. (2016). Scientific Reports. Feb 18;6:21774.   

  5. Guo J#, Ge JL#, Hao M#, Sun ZC#, Wu XS, Zhu JB, Wang W, Yao PT, Lin W and Xue L*. A Three-Pool Model Dissecting Readily Releasable Pool Replenishment at the Calyx of Held. (2015). Scientific Reports, 5:9517.

  6. Guo J, Sun ZC, Yao PT, Wang HL and Xue L. A Monte Carlo simulation dissecting quantal release at the calyx of Held. (2015). Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) 20:1079–1091.

  7. Xue L#*, Sheng J#, Wu XS, Wu W, Luo FJ, Shin Wonchul, Chiang HC, and Wu LG*. Most vesicles in a central nerve terminal participate in recycling. (2013). Journal of Neuroscience2013 May 15;33(20):8820-6.

  8. Xue L#, Zhang Z#, McNeil B, Luo FJ, Wu XS, Sheng JS and Wu LG*. Voltage-dependent calcium channels at the plasma membrane, but not vesicular channels, couple exocytosis to endocytosis. (2012). Cell reports, 1 (6) : 632-638.

  9. Xue L#, McNeil BD, Wu XS, Luo FJ, He L and Wu LG*. A Membrane Pool Retrieved via Endocytosis Overshoot at Nerve Terminals: A Study of Its Retrieval Mechanism and Role. (2012). Journal of Neuroscience, 2012 Mar 7; 2(10):3398-404.

  10. Xue L# and Wu LG*. Post-tetanic potentiation is caused by two signaling mechanisms affecting quantal size and quantal content. (2010). Journal of Physiology (Lond.) 4987–4994.

  11. He L#, Xue L#, Xu J, McNeil B, Bai L, Melicoff E, Adachi R and Wu LG*. Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission. (2009). Nature, 459(7243):93-7.

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