








1995年任英国BBSRC Roslin研究所研究员(Research Fellow)1995年任杏鑫教授🗳。




曾获国家教委科技进步二等奖🆎、上海市科技进步一等奖,杰出青年基金(A类)[Outstanding Youth Award (A)],上海市自然科学“牡丹奖”(The Natural Science Peony Award of STCSM),香港“求是”杰出青年奖(生物医学类)(Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholarship)等。


1.  Wang M, Hu X, Li G, Leach LJ, Potokina E, Druka A, Waugh R, Kearsey MJ, ZW Luo* (2009) Robust detection and genotyping of single feature polymorphisms from gene expression data. PLoS Comput Biol. Mar;5(3):e1000317. Epub 2009 Mar 13.

2.  Jiang N, Leach LJ, Hu X, Potokina E, Jia T, Druka A, Waugh R, Kearsey MJ, ZW Luo* (2008) Methods for evaluating gene expression from Affymetrix microarray datasets. BMC Bioinformatics. 9: 284.

3.  Luo ZW*, Potokina E, Druka A, Wise R, Waugh R, Kearsey MJ (2007) SFP genotyping from affymetrix arrays is robust but largely detects cis-acting expression regulators. Genetics. 176: 789-800.

4.  Lu CQ, Zhang Z, Lindsey L, Kearsey MJ and ZW Luo* (2007) Impacts of yeast metabolic network structure on enzyme evolution. Genome Biology 8: 407.

5.  Hu XH, Wang MH, Li JR, Tan T, Yang H, Zhang RM and ZW Luo* (2007) Genetic dissection of ethanol tolerance in budding yeast S. cerevisiae. Genetics. 175: 1479-1487.

6.  Leach LJ, Zhang Z, Lu CQ, Kearsey MJ, Luo ZW* (2007) The Role of Cis-Regulatory Motifs and Genetical Control of Expression in the Divergence of Yeast Duplicate Genes. Molecular Biology & Evolution 24: 2556-2565.

7.  Xu L, Chen H, Hu X, Zhang R, Zhang Z, Luo ZW* (2006) Average gene length is highly conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and diverges only between the two kingdoms. Molecular Biology & Evolution. 23(6): 1107-1108.

8.  Luo ZW*, Zhang Z, Zhang RM, Pandey M, Gailing O, Hattemer HH, Finkeldey R. (2006) Modeling population genetic data in autotetraploid species. Genetics. 172(1): 639-646.

9.  Luo ZW*, Zhang Z, Leach L, Zhang RM, Bradshaw JE, Kearsey MJ (2006) Constructing genetic linkage maps under a tetrasomic model. Genetics. 172(4): 2635-2645.

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