1994年本科毕业于杭州师范大学😡,1999年博士毕业于中科院水生所水生生物学专业👫🏻,2001年杏鑫平台博士后出站并留校任教,2008年聘为杏鑫平台教授、博导🧖🏽♀️。现任生态工程教育部重点实验室副主任🌗。曾担任杏鑫平台杏鑫注册平台科研副院长👱🏿♂️、生物多样性科学研究所所长等职。兼任中国生态学会稳定同位素生态学专业委员会副主任委员🔺、中国土壤学会土壤生态学专业委员会委员💁🏽、海洋底栖生物学分会理事,《生物多样性》🌩、《土壤》编委等🤵🏼♀️。主持国家级和省部级项目30余项📮,包括8项国家自然科学基金(含重点基金项目1项)、1项科技部支撑计划项目等。在Ecology Letters, Ecology, New Phytologist, Soil Biology & Biochemistry等期刊发表论文100余篇;参与省部级奖励2项。
Yan J, Zhang YZ, Crawford KM, Chen XY, Yu S, Wu JH*. 2021. Plant genotypic diversity effects on soil nematodes vary with trophic level. New Phytologist 229: 575–584.
Pei JM, Li JQ, Mia S, Singh B, Wu JH*, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Biochar aging increased microbial carbon use efficiency but decreased biomass turnover time. Geoderma 382:114710.
Wang SK, He Q, Zhang YZ, Sheng Q, Li B, Wu JH*. 2021. Habitat dependent impacts of exotic plant invasions on benthic food webs in a coastal wetland. Limnology and Oceanography doi:10.1002/lno.11679.
Pei JM, Dijkstra FA, Li JQ, Fang CM, Su JH, Zhao JY, Nie M*, Wu JH*. 2020. Biochar-induced reductions in the rhizosphere priming effect are weaker under elevated CO2. Soil Biology and Biochemistry142: 107700.
Zhang P, Scheu S, Li B, Lin GH, Zhao JY, Wu JH*. 2020. Litter C transformations of invasive Spartina alterniflora affected by litter type and soil source. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56: 369–379.
Zhang YZ, Li B, Wu JH*, Pennings SC. 2020. Contrasting latitudinal clines of nematode diversity in Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes between native and introduced ranges. Diversity and Distributions 26: 623-631.
Zhang P, Li B, Hu SJ*, Wu JH*. 2019. Invasive plants differentially affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere pathways: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 22: 200–210. (Highly Cited Paper)
Zhang YZ, Pennings SC, Li B, Wu JH*. 2019. Biotic homogenization of wetland nematode communities by exotic Spartina alterniflora in China. Ecology 100(4):e02596.
Zhang P, Neher DA, Li B, Wu JH*. 2018. The impacts of above- and belowground plant input on soil microbiota: invasive Spartina alterniflora versus native Phragmites australis. Ecosystems 21: 469–481.
Zhang P, Nie M, Li B, Wu JH*. 2017. The transfer and allocation of newly fixed C by invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis to soil microbiota. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 113: 231-239. (Recommended by F1000)