











RNA中有超过100种化学修饰被发现,它们的生物学功能和调控机制才刚刚开始被揭示,因此这些科学问题成为目前国际研究的焦点并形成了一个新的领域🎻,表观转录组学(epitranscriptomics)。我们前期首次鉴定了N6-甲基腺嘌呤(m6A)甲基转移酶复合物(又称为writer complex)三个新的🤾🏽‍♀️、在进化中保守的组分Nito/Rbm15🐭、Xio/ZC3H13Hakai,并发现它们通过修饰果蝇性别决定主导基因SxlmRNA,从而调控其可变剪接(alternative splicing)来控制果蝇的性别决定。实验室今后将使用果蝇和小鼠模型在以下几个方面开展研究:(1)筛选m6A通路中新的因子及动物性别决定途径新的成员;(2)解析m6A修饰在发育和代谢过程中的作用机理👩‍👩‍👧‍👧;(3)构建在动物体内修改RNA修饰的体系;(4)利用已构建的m6A报告系统筛选影响这一过程的化学小分子;(5)利用在m6A研究过程中积累的技术和手段展开对其它RNA修饰的功能性探索🔓。


2000年获南京大学理学学士;2009年获美国辛辛那提大学分子与发育生物学博士;2010-2016年在美国哈佛大学医杏鑫遗传学系,Howard Hughes Medical Institute,从事博士后研究🧑🏽‍🏭;2016-2020年在中科院上海植物生理生态研究所/分子植物卓越中心任研究员及课题组长;2021年任杏鑫研究员。入选国家青年拔尖人才、上海市海外高层次人才和浦江人才计划。在Developmental Cell, PNAS, Nature Communications等国际学术期刊发表论文26篇;任《遗传》期刊编委。目前承担国家自然科学基金面上项目🙋🏽‍♂️、重大研究计划🛅、科技部重点研发计划等项目。





2014Charles A. King Trust博士后奖学金

2012Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fellowship

2005Albert J. Ryan Fellowship







  1.  Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Ren, H., Ma, L., Guo, J., Mao, D., Lu, Z., Lu, L. and Yan, D.* (2021) Role of Hakai in m6A modification pathway in Drosophila. Nature Communications, 12(1):2159.

  2. Zirin, J., Hu, Y., Liu, L., Yang-Zhou, D., Colbeth, R., Yan, D., Ewen-Campen, B., Tao, R., Vogt, E., VanNest, S., Cavers, C., Villalta, C., Comjean, A., Sun, J., Wang, X., Jia, Y., Zhu, R., Peng, P., Yu, J., Shen, D., Qiu, Y., Ayisi, L., Ragoowansi, H., Fenton, E., Efrem, S., Parks, A., Saito, K., Kondo, S., Perkins, L., Mohr, S., Ni, J. and Perrimon, N. (2020) Large-Scale Transgenic Drosophila Resource Collections for Loss- And Gain-of-Function Studies. Genetics, 214(4):755-767.

  3. Silver, J., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Simoes, S., Pellikka, M., Yan, D., Binari, R., Nishimura, T., Li, Y., Harris, T., Perrimon, N. and Tepass, U. (2019) Apical polarity proteins recruit the RhoGEF Cysts to promote junctional myosin assembly. The Journal of Cell Biology, 218(10), 3397-3414.

  4. Guo, J., Tang, H., Li, J., Perrimon, N.* and Yan, D.* (2018) Xio is a novel component of the Drosophila sex determination pathway and RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex. PNAS, 115(14):3674-3679.

  5. Li, Z., You, L., Yan, D., James, A. Huang, Y. and Tan A. (2018) Bombyx mori histone methyltransferase BmAsh2 is essential for silkworm piRNA-mediated sex determination. PLoS Genetics, 14(2), e1007245.

  6. Kan, L., Grozhik, A., Vedanayagam, J., Patil, D., Pang, N., Lim, K., Huang, Y., Joseph, B., Lin, C., Despic, V., Guo, J., Yan, D., Kondo, S., Deng, W., Dedon, P., Jaffrey, S. and Lai, E. (2017) The m6A pathway facilitates sex determination in Drosophila. Nature Communications, 8:15737.

  7. Yan, D. and Perrimon, N. (2015) Spenito is required for sex determination in Drosophila melangaster. PNAS, 112(37):11606-11611.

  8. Sun, J., Wei, H., Xu, J., Chang, J., Yang, Z., Ren, X., Lv, W., Liu, L., Pan, L., Wang, X., Qiao, H., Zhu, B., Ji, J., Yan, D., Xie, T., Sun, F. and Ni, J. (2015) Histone H1-Mediated Epigenetic Regulation Controls Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal by Modulating the Acetylation of H4 Lysine 16. Nature Communications, 6:8856.

  9. Perkins, L., Holderbaum, L., Tao, R., Hu, Y., Sopko, R., McCall, K., Yang-Zhou, D., Flockhart, I., Binari, R., Shim, H., Miller, A., Housden, A., Foos, M., Randklev, S., Kelley, C., Namgyal, P., Villalta, C., Liu, L., Jiang, X., Huan-Huan, Q., Xia, W., Fujiyama, A., Toyoda, A, Ayers, K., Blum, A., Czech, B., Neumuller, R., Yan, D., Cavallaro, A., Hibbard, K., Hall, D., Cooley, L., Hannon, G., Lehmann, R., Parks, A., Mohr, S., Ueda, R., Kondo, S., Ni, J. and Perrimon, N. (2015) The Transgenic RNAi Project at Harvard Medical School: Resources and Validation. Genetics, 201(3):843-52.

  10. Zeng, X., Han, L., Singh S., Liu, H., Neumüller, R., Yan, D., Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu W., Lin, X. and Hou, S. (2015) Genome-Wide RNAi Screen Identifies Networks Involved in Intestinal Stem Cell Regulation in Drosophila. Cell Reports, 10(7): 1226-1238.

  11. Droujinine, I., Yan, D. and Perrimon, N. (2014) A sharp end to sugary Wingless travels. The Journal of Cell Biology. 206(7):819-821(Comment).

  12. Yan, D., Neumuller, R., Buckner, M., Ayers, K., Li, H., Hu, Y., Yang-Zhou, D., Pan, L., Wang, X., Kelley, C., Vinayagam, A., Binari, R., Randklev, S., Perkins, L., Xie, T., Cooley, L. and Perrimon, N. (2014) A regulatory network of Drosophila germline stem cell self-renewal. Developmental Cell, 28(4): 459-473.

  13. Staller, M., Yan, D., Randklev, S., Bragdon, M., Wunderlich, Z., Tao, R., Perkins, L., DePace, A. and Perrimon, N. (2013) Depleting Gene Activities in Early Drosophila Embryos with the “Maternal-Gal4–shRNA” System. Genetics, 193(1): 51-61.

  14. Friedman, A., Tucker, G., Singh, R., Yan, D., Arunachalam, V., Hu, Y., Binari, R., Hong, P., Sun, X., Porto, M., Pacifico, S., Murali, T., Finley, R., Asara, J., Berger, B. and Perrimon, N. (2011) Proteomic and functional genomic landscape of receptor tyrosine kinase and Ras/ERK signaling. Science Signaling, 4, rs10.

  15. Yan, D., Wu, Y., Yang, Y., Belenkaya, T., Tang, X. and Lin, X. (2010) The cell-surface proteins Dally-like and Ihog differentially regulate Hh signaling strength and range during development.Development, 137, 2033-2044.

  16. Yan, D., Wu, Y., Feng, Y., Lin, S. and Lin, X. (2009) The core protein of glypican Dally-like determines its biphasic activity in Wingless morphogen signaling. Developmental Cell, 17(4): 470-481.

  17. Yan, D and Lin, X. (2009) Shaping morphogen gradient by proteoglycans. In “Generation and Interpretation of Morphogen Gradients”, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (book chapter).

  18. Yan, D and Lin, X. (2008) Opposing roles for glypicans in Hedgehog signalling. Nature Cell Biology, 10(7):761-3 (news and views).

  19. Belenkaya, T., Wu, Y., Tang, X., Zhou, B., Cheng, L., Sharma, Y., Yan, D.,Selva, E. and Lin, X. (2008) The Retromer Complex Influences Wnt Secretion by Recycling Wntless from Endosomes to the Trans-Golgi Network. Developmental Cell, 14(1): 120-131.

  20. Yan, D. and Lin, X.(2007)Drosophila glypican Dally-like acts in FGF-receiving cells to modulate FGF signaling during tracheal morphogenesis.Developmental Biology, 312(1):203-16.

  21. Han, C. #, Yan, D. #, Belenkaya, T. and Lin, X.(2005) Drosophila Glypicans Dally and Dally-like shape the extracellular Wingless morphogen gradient in the wing disc. Development, 132, 667-679.

  22. Tao, Q., Yokota, C., Puck, H., Kofron, M., Birsoy, B., Yan, D., Asashima, M., Wylie.C.C, Lin, X. and Heasman, J. (2005) Maternal Wnt11 activates the canonical Wnt signaling pathway required for axis formation in Xenopus embryos. Cell, 120(6): 857-871.

  23. Belenkaya, T., Han, C., Yan, D., Opoka, R.J., Khodoun, M., Liu, H. and Lin, X. (2004) Drosophila Dpp morphogen movement is independent of dynamin-mediated endocytosis and is controlled by glypican members of heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Cell, 119(2): 231-44.

  24. Yang, L., Yan, D., Bruggeman, M., Du, H. and Yan, C. (2004) Mutation of a lysine residue in a homeodomain generates dominant negative thyroid transcription factor 1. Biochemistry, 43(39), 12489-97.

  25. Yang, L., Yan, D., Yan, C. and Du, H. (2003)Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and ligands inhibit surfactant protein B gene expression in the lung. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 36841-36847.

  26. Yang, L., Naltner, A., Kreiner, A., Yan, D., Cowen, A., Du, H. and Yan, C. (2003) An enhancer region determines hSP-B gene expression in bronchiolar and ATII epithelial cells in transgenic mice. American Journal of Physiology Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 284(3): L481-8.

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