1978年生,湖北鄂州人。2009年博士毕业于杏鑫平台🧑🏻🍳。 2009年至2014年,于美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校做博士后和助理研究员。2014年被杏鑫聘为研究员👩👩👧、博士生导师,入选上海市“东方学者”特聘教授和“国家海外高层次人才引进计划”人才项目🕌🍀。系统揭示去酰化修饰酶家族是调控衰老代谢疾病的一条重要的通路👩🏽🌾,以第一或通讯作者(含并列)发表论文十余篇,包括Cell、Molecular Cell、Nature Communications、 PNAS、Cell Reports、JBC等,SCI他引超过1700 次,其中2010年Cell文章是ESI高被引论文,研究成果获得国际同行高度评价。现任中国细胞生物学会衰老细胞生物学分会委员🚴🏿,中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员,上海市生化与分子生物学协会理事。
Wang C, Wan X, Yu T, Huang Z, Shen C, Qi Q, Xiang S, Chen X, Arbely E, Ling ZQ, Liu CY*, Yu W*. Acetylation Stabilizes Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase by Disrupting the Interaction of E3 Ligase RNF5 to Promote Breast Tumorigenesis. Cell Reports 2020, 32 (6), 108021. (*corresponding author)
Wan X, Wang C, Huang Z, Zhou D, Xiang S, Qi Q, Chen X, Arbely E, Liu CY, Du P*, Yu W*. Cisplatin inhibits SIRT3-deacetylation MTHFD2 to disturb cellular redox balance in colorectal cancer cell. Cell Death & Disease 2020, 11: 649 . (*corresponding author)
Zhu Z#, Song J#, Guo Y#, Huang Z, Chen X, Dang X, Huang Y, Wang Y, Ou W, Yang Y, Yu W*, Liu CY*, Cui L*. LAMB3 promotes tumour progression through the AKT–FOXO3/4 axis and is transcriptionally regulated by the BRD2/acetylated ELK4 complex in colorectal cancer. Oncogene 2020 29,4666-4680 (*corresponding author)
Song J#, Chen W#, Cui X#, Huang Z, Wen D, Yang Y, Yu W*, Cui L*, Liu CY*. CCBE1 promotes tumor lymphangiogenesis and is negatively regulated by TGFβ signaling in colorectal cancer. Theranostics 2020 10(5), 2327-2341 (*corresponding author)
Wei Z#, Song J#, Wang G, Cui X, Zheng J, Tang Y, Chen X, Li J, Cui L*, Liu CY*, Yu W*. Deacetylation of Serine Hydroxymethyl-transferase 2 by SIRT3 promotes Colorectal Carcinogenesis. Nature Communications 2018 9 (1), 4468 (*corresponding author)
Cao X#, Li C#, Xiao S#, Tang Y, Huang J, Zhao S, Li X, Li J, Zhang R, and Yu W*. Acetylation promotes TyrRS nuclear translocation to prevent oxidative damage. PNAS 2017 114 (4): 687-692 (*corresponding author)Yu W#, Denu RA#, Krautkramer KA, Grindle KM, Yang DT, Asimakopoulos F, Hematti P, Denu JM*. Loss of SIRT3 Provides Growth Advantage for B Cell Malignancies. J. Bio. Chem. 2016 Feb 12; 291(7): 3268-79 (# equal contribution)
Yu W, Dittenhafer-Reed KE, Denu JM*. SIRT3 deacetylates isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) and regulates mitochondrial redox status. J. Bio. Chem. 2012 Apr 20; 287 (17), 14078-14086. (Best of 2012 paper)
Hallows WC#, Yu W#, Smith BC, Devries MK, Ellinger JJ, Someya S, Shortreed MR, Prolla T, Markley JL, Smith LM, Zhao S, Guan KL, Denu JM*. Sirt3 promotes the urea cycle and fatty acid oxidation during dietary restriction. Molecular Cell 2011 Jan 21; 41(2):139-49. (# equal contribution)
Someya S#, Yu W#, Hallows WC, Xu J, Vann JM, Leeuwenburgh C, Tanokura M, Denu JM*, Prolla TA*. Sirt3 mediates reduction of oxidative damage and prevention of age-related hearing loss under caloric restriction. Cell 2010 Nov 24; 143(5):802-12. (# equal contribution)
Zhao S, Xu W, Jiang W, Yu W, Lin Y, Zhang T, Yao J, Yang P, Li H, Li Y, Shi J, Qin l, Lei Q, Xiong Y, Guan KL. Regulation of cellular metabolism by protein lysine acetylation. Science 2010 327.5968,1000-1004.
Yu W, Lin Y, Yao J, Huang W, Lei Q, Xiong Y, Zhao S, Guan KL. Lysine 88 Acetylation Negatively Regulates Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Activity in Response to Nutrient Signals. J. Bio. Chem. 2009 284(20): 13669-1367