杏鑫平台本科🫕、硕士及博士学位,2003-2005年美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center 博士后💊,2003年起先后任杏鑫平台生物化学系副教授及教授职位👩🏿🦱。已获得7项 国家自然科学基金项目🎳、2项上海市科委重点项目和1项上海市人才计划项目的资助👷🏼♀️;作为项目核心成员参与两项国家重大转基因专项“重要性状基因克隆及功能验证”以及“水稻节水稳产新基因及启动子的克隆与功能验证”以及1项国家973项目“作物水分高效利用机理与调控的基础研究”;2006年入选上海市浦江人才计划。在 Current Biology, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, EMBO Reports👳🏻🏋🏿♀️,Plant Molecular Biology等杂志上发表通讯或者第一作者论文多篇,申请专利10项,有7项已获得授权;做为主编出版译著《蛋白质结构与功能》🦹🏻♀️🌭,并参与植物分子生物学专业重要教材《植物生理学》的翻译及编辑工作。
1.Lv Z, Zhao M, Wang W, Huang M, Li C, Lian Q, Xia J, Qi J, Xiang C, Tang H, Ge X*. (2021) Changing Gly311 to acidic amino acid in the MATE family protein DTX6 leads to enhanced resistance of Arabidopsis to the dihydropyridine herbicides. Mol. Plant, 14: 1-11
2.Gu Z, Pan W, Chen W, Ge X*. (2019) New perspectives on the plant PARP family: Arabidopsis PARP3 is inactive, and PARP1 exhibits predominant poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in response to DNA damage. BMC plant Biol., 19: 364
3.Yao L, Cheng X, Gu Z, Huang W, Li S, Wang L, Wang Y, Xu P, Ma H, Ge X*. (2018) AWPM-19 family protein OsPM1 mediates abscisic acid influx and drought response in rice. Plant Cell, 30: 1258-1276
4.Jin Y, Pan W, Zheng X, Cheng X, Liu M, Ma H*, Ge X*. (2018) OsERF101, an ERF family transcription factor, regulates drought stress response in reproductive tissues. Plant Mol. Biol., 98:51-65
5.Liu C, Wu Q, Liu W, Gu Z, Wang W, Xu P, Ma H, Ge X*. (2017) Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases regulate root cell division and inhibition of PARP activities enhances root development. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 59(7): 459-474
6.Guo C, Yao L, You C, Wang S, Cui J, Ge X*, Ma H*. (2016) MID1 plays an important role in response to drought stress during reproductive development. Plant J., 88(2): 280-293.
7.Zhang H, Gu Z, Wu Q, Yang L, Liu C, Ma H, Xia Y, Ge X*. (2015) Arabidopsis PARG1 is the key factor promoting cell survival among the enzymes regulating post-translational poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Sci. Rep., 5:15892. doi: 10.1038/srep15892. .
8.Jin Y, Yang H, Wei Z, Ma H, Ge X*. (2013) Rice male development under drought stress: phenotypic changes and stage-dependent transcriptomic reprogramming. Mol. Plant, 6: 1630-45.
9.Wang H, Lu Y, Liu P, Wen W, Zhang J, Ge X*, Xia Y*. (2013) The ammonium/ nitrate ratio is an input signal in the temperature-modulated, SNC1-mediated and EDS1-dependent autoimmunity of nudt6-2nudt7. Plant J., 73: 262-275.
10. Ge X, Chang F, Ma H. (2010) Signaling and transcriptional control of reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol., 20: 988-997
11. Ge X, Li G, Wang S, Zhu H, Zhu T, Wang X, Xia Y*. (2007) AtNUDT7, a negative regulator of basal immunity in arabidopsis, modulates two distinct defense response pathways and is involved in maintaining redox homeostasis. Plant Physiol., 145: 204-215
12. Ge X, Dietrich C, Matsuno M, Li G, Berg H, Xia Y*. (2005) An Arabidopsis aspartic protease functions as an anti-cell-death component in reproduction and embryogenesis. EMBO Rep., 6(3):283-288.
Selected Publications🏜:
1.Lv Z, Zhao M, Wang W, Huang M, Li C, Lian Q, Xia J, Qi J, Xiang C, Tang H, Ge X*. (2021) Changing Gly311 to acidic amino acid in the MATE family protein DTX6 leads to enhanced resistance of Arabidopsis to the dihydropyridine herbicides. Mol. Plant, 14: 1-11
2.Gu Z, Pan W, Chen W, Ge X*. (2019) New perspectives on the plant PARP family: Arabidopsis PARP3 is inactive, and PARP1 exhibits predominant poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in response to DNA damage. BMC plant Biol., 19: 364
3.Yao L, Cheng X, Gu Z, Huang W, Li S, Wang L, Wang Y, Xu P, Ma H, Ge X*. (2018) AWPM-19 family protein OsPM1 mediates abscisic acid influx and drought response in rice. Plant Cell, 30: 1258-1276
4.Jin Y, Pan W, Zheng X, Cheng X, Liu M, Ma H*, Ge X*. (2018) OsERF101, an ERF family transcription factor, regulates drought stress response in reproductive tissues. Plant Mol. Biol., 98:51-65
5.Liu C, Wu Q, Liu W, Gu Z, Wang W, Xu P, Ma H, Ge X*. (2017) Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases regulate root cell division and inhibition of PARP activities enhances root development. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 59(7): 459-474
6.Guo C, Yao L, You C, Wang S, Cui J, Ge X*, Ma H*. (2016) MID1 plays an important role in response to drought stress during reproductive development. Plant J., 88(2): 280-293.
7.Zhang H, Gu Z, Wu Q, Yang L, Liu C, Ma H, Xia Y, Ge X*. (2015) Arabidopsis PARG1 is the key factor promoting cell survival among the enzymes regulating post-translational poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Sci. Rep., 5:15892. doi: 10.1038/srep15892. .
8.Jin Y, Yang H, Wei Z, Ma H, Ge X*. (2013) Rice male development under drought stress: phenotypic changes and stage-dependent transcriptomic reprogramming. Mol. Plant, 6: 1630-45.
9.Wang H, Lu Y, Liu P, Wen W, Zhang J, Ge X*, Xia Y*. (2013) The ammonium/ nitrate ratio is an input signal in the temperature-modulated, SNC1-mediated and EDS1-dependent autoimmunity of nudt6-2nudt7. Plant J., 73: 262-275.
10. Ge X, Chang F, Ma H. (2010) Signaling and transcriptional control of reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol., 20: 988-997
11. Ge X, Li G, Wang S, Zhu H, Zhu T, Wang X, Xia Y*. (2007) AtNUDT7, a negative regulator of basal immunity in arabidopsis, modulates two distinct defense response pathways and is involved in maintaining redox homeostasis. Plant Physiol., 145: 204-215
12. Ge X, Dietrich C, Matsuno M, Li G, Berg H, Xia Y*. (2005) An Arabidopsis aspartic protease functions as an anti-cell-death component in reproduction and embryogenesis. EMBO Rep., 6(3):283-288.