办公地点:杏鑫 C113室
主要研究中枢神经及外周脂肪、肌肉、肝脏等组织在能量平衡和糖脂代谢调节中的重要作用,以组织特异性过表达或者敲除动物模型为研究对象,结合生理学和神经学来研究肥胖症、糖尿病及代谢综合征的病理机制。着眼于将基础科研中的新发现转化为新颖的药理和临床干预疾病等应用型研究🤶🏻🤘🏿。已在Cell🏊,Cell Metabolism,Neuron,Nature Neuroscience等国际顶级刊物发表论文80多篇👗。是国家重点研发计划“发育编程及其代谢调节”重点专项关于神经调控代谢领域的项目首席科学家。
Dr. Tiemin Liu obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto in 2009. From 2009 to 2014, Dr. Liu was a post-doctoral fellow at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard Medical School, then at the UT Southwestern Medical Center and was promoted to be instructor in 2014. In 2017, Dr. Liu joined School of Life Sciences, Fudan University as a full professor and has served on the Head of Department of Physiology and Neurobiology since 2019. He was also an adjunct professor in Zhongshan Hospital in Fudan University. His research focuses on the anti-obesity neurocircuitry in the brain using conditional, neuron-specific genetic engineering techniques (Cre/loxP recombination) to regulate gene expression in the mouse brain. He currently extends his research interests to the brain regulation of peripheral tissues including adipose, muscle, liver, etc. He already published more than 80 papers including Cell, Cell Metabolism, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, etc.
生理学专业前沿课程- BIOL737002
现代生物学基础与前沿Ⅱ- BIOL620085
1. Lei Y, Liang X, Sun Y, Yao T, Gong H, Chen Z, Gao Y, Wang H, Wang R, Huang Y, Yang T, Yu M, Liu L, Yi CX, Wu QF, Kong X*, Xu X*, Liu S*, Zhang Z*, Liu T*, Region-specific transcriptomic responses to obesity and diabetes in macaque hypothalamus, Cell Metabolism, 2024 Feb 6;36(2):438-453.
2. Zhao M, Ren Z, Zhao A, Tang Y, Kuang J, Li M, Chen T, Wang S, Wang J, Zhang H, Wang J, Zhang T, Zeng J, Liu X, Xie G, Liu P, Sun N, Bao T, Nie T, Lin J, Liu P, Zheng Y, Zheng X*, Liu T*, Jia W*. Gut bacteria-driven homovanillic acid alleviates depression by modulating synaptic integrity. Cell Metabolism, 2024 Apr 3:S1550-4131(24)00089-5.
3. Guo S, Zhang S, Zhuang Y, Xie F, Wang R, Kong X, Zhang Q, Feng Y, Gao H, Kong X, Liu T. Muscle PARP1 inhibition extends lifespan through AMPKα PARylation and activation in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(13):e2213857120,2023.
4. Kong X*, Yao T, Zhou P, Kazak L, Tenen D, Lyubetskaya A, Dawes BA, Tsai L, Kahn BB, Spiegelman BM, Liu T*, Rosen ED*. Brown adipose tissue controls skeletal muscle function via the secretion of myostatin. Cell Metabolism, 28(4):631-643, 2018.
5. Yong G, Yao T, Deng Z, Sohn JW, Jia S, Huang Y, Kong X,Yu KJ, Wang RT, Chen H, Guo H, Yan J, Cunningham KA, Chang Y*, Liu T* and Williams KW*. TrpC5 mediates acute leptin and serotonin effects via Pomc neurons. Cell Reports 17;18(3):583-592, 2017.
6. Berglund ED*, Liu T*, Kong X*, Sohn JW, Vong L, Deng Z, Lee CE, Lee S, Williams KW, Olson DP, Scherer PE, Lowell BB, and Elmquist JK. Melanocortin 4 receptors in autonomic neurons regulate thermogenesis and glycemia. Nature Neuroscience, 17(7):911-3. 2014.
7. Liu T*, Kong D*, Shah BP*, Ye C*, Koda S, Saunders A, Ding JB, Yang Z, Sabatini BL and Lowell BB. Fasting activation of AgRP neurons requires NMDA receptors and involves spinogenesis and increased excitatory tone. Neuron 73(3), 511-22, 2012.
a. Featured by Neuron as Cover: Neuron 73(3): 2012.
b. Featured Article by Neuron: Neuron 73(3): 2012.
c. Featured by Cell Metabolism with a preview: Transmitter Time: Synaptic plasticity and Metabolic Memory in the Hypothalamus. Cell Metabolism 15: 275-27 (2012).