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Yu Y, Song W, Zhai N, Zhang S, Wang J, Wang S, Liu W, Huang C-H, Ma H, Chai J, Chang F* 2023. PXL1 and SERKs act as receptor–coreceptor complexes for the CLE19 peptide to regulate pollen development. Nature Communications 14: 3307. [SCI](一区,参与

Hu R, Li X, Hu Y, Zhang R, Lv Q, Zhang M, Sheng X, Zhao F, Chen Z, Ding Y, Yuan H, Wu X, Xing S, Yan X, Bao F, Wan P, Xiao L, Wang X, Xiao W, Decker EL, van Gessel N, Renault H, Wiedemann G, Horst NA, Haas FB, Wilhelmsson PKI, Ullrich KK, Neumann E, Lv B, Liang C, Du H, Lu H, Gao Q, Cheng Z, You H, Xin P, Chu J, Huang C-H, Liu Y, Dong S, Zhang L, Chen F, Deng L, Duan F, Zhao W, Li K, Li Z, Li X, Cui H, Zhang YE, Ma C, Zhu R, Jia Y, Wang M, Hasebe M, Fu J, Goffinet B, Ma H, Rensing SA, Reski R*, He Y* 2023. Adaptive evolution of the enigmatic Takakia now facing climate change in Tibet. Cell186: 3558-3576.e3517. [SCI](一区,参与

Huang J, Xu W, Zhai J, Hu Y, Guo J, Zhang C, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Martine C, Ma H*, Huang C-H* 2023. Nuclear phylogeny and insights into whole-genome duplications and reproductive development of Solanaceae plants. Plant Communications 4: 100595. [SCI](一区,共同通讯

Zan T, He Y-T, Zhang M, Yonezawa T, Ma H, Zhao Q-M, Kuo W-Y, Zhang W-J*, Huang C-H* 2023. Phylogenomic analyses of Camellia support reticulate evolution among major clades. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 182: 107744. [SCI](一区,共同通讯


Wang B, Luo Q, Li Y, Du K, Wu Z, Li T, Shen W-H, Huang C-H*, Gan J*, Dong A* 2022. Structural insights into partner selection for MYB and bHLH transcription factor complexes. Nature Plants https://doi: 10.1038/s41477-41022-01223-w. [SCI](一区🏋🏻‍♀️,共同通讯

Chen L-Y, Lu B, Morales-Briones DF, Moody ML, Liu F, Hu G-W, Huang C-H*, Chen J-M*, Wang Q-F* 2022. Phylogenomic analyses of Alismatales shed light into adaptations to aquatic environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac079. [SCI](一区🚵🏼‍♀️,共同通讯

Liu B-B, Ren C, Kwak M, Hodel RGJ, Xu C, He J, Zhou W-B, Huang C-H, Ma H, Qian G-Z, Hong D-Y*, Wen J* 2022. Phylogenomic conflict analyses in the apple genus Malus s.l. reveal widespread hybridization and allopolyploidy driving diversification, with insights into the complex biogeographic history in the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 64: 1020-1043. [SCI](一区🔖,参与

Huang W, Zhang L, Columbus JT, Hu Y, Zhao Y, Tang L, Guo Z, Chen W, McKain M, Bartlett M, Huang C-H, Li D-Z, Ge S, Ma H*. 2022. A well-supported nuclear phylogeny of Poaceae and implications for the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. Molecular Plant 15: 755-777. [SCI](一区🥘,参与

Zhang L, Zhu X, Zhao Y, Guo J, Zhang T, Huang W, Huang J, Hu Y, Huang C-H*, Ma H*. 2022. Phylotranscriptomics resolves the phylogeny of Pooideae and uncovers factors for their adaptive evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac026. [SCI](一区🧑🏻‍💻,共同通讯


郭文钰, 黄建勋*. 影响开花植物物种多样化速率变化的因素探讨. 广西植物, 2021, 41(10): 1707-1718.

Morales-Briones DF*, Gehrke B, Huang C-H, Liston A, Ma H, Marx HE, Tank DC, Yang Y. 2021. Analysis of paralogs in target enrichment data pinpoints multiple ancient polyploidy events in Alchemilla s.l. (Rosaceae). Systematic Biology71: 190-207. [SCI](一区🥉,参与

Hu S-H, Lin S-F, Huang Y-C, Huang C-H, Kuo W-Y, Jinn T-L*. 2021. Significance of AtMTM1 and AtMTM2 for mitochondrial MnSOD activation in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 690064. [SCI](二区🙅🏼‍♀️,参与

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Guo J, Xu W, Hu Y, Huang J, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Huang CH*, Ma H*. 2020. Phylotranscriptomics in Cucurbitaceae reveal multiple whole-genome duplications and key morphological and molecular innovations. Molecular Plant 13: 1117-1133. [SCI](一区,共同通讯

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Barrera-Redondo J, Lira-Saade R, Eguiarte LE. 2020. Gourds and tendrils of Cucurbitaceae: how their shape diversity, molecular and morphological novelties evolved via whole-genome duplications. Molecular Plant 13: 1108-1110

Huang CH*, Qi X, Chen D, Qi J, Ma H*. 2020. Recurrent genome duplication events likely contributed to both the ancient and recent rise of ferns. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62: 433-455. [SCI](一区,一作兼共同通讯

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Li H, Huang CH, Ma H. 2019. Whole-genome duplications in pear and apple. In: Korban S. (eds). The Pear Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.(专著,参与


Qi X, Kuo L-Y, Guo C, Li H, Li Z, Qi J, Wang L, Hu Y, Xiang J, Zhang C, Guo J, Huang CH* and Ma H*. 2018. A well-resolved fern nuclear phylogeny reveals the evolution history of numerous transcription factor families. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 961-977. [SCI] (一区💌,共同通讯


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